Finance of Healthcare Business Planning

In the age of health care reform, where the funds needed to support health organizations are tight, careful attention needs to be devoted to the whys and hows of spending money.  Business planning is vital to any health care enterprise.  Everything from, starting a practice, hiring a new provider, buying a piece of equipment, starting or adding to a service line, requires careful planning in order to ensure success. Careful attention to business planning ensures that the proper decisions are made for the right reasons.  This video will provide the basic business skills to:

  • Understand financial statements
  • Understand the accounting basics behind financial statements
  • Evaluate and create budgets
  • Understand the power that money has how to use it
  • How to integrate these skills into sound business planning
  • How to evaluate and prioritize business plans


With this foundation we will take you through the process of constructing a business plan that will hold up to the scrutiny of any business professional.  Finally you will be able to view and share in the evaluation of real business plans on adding a service line, hiring additional providers and purchasing new equipment, meant to hone your skills and reinforce your knowledge.

The tutorial is presented in 5 convenient stand alone sections each approximately 25 minutes long that may be accessed an unlimited number of times on any smart device.

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